Steven Knight Confirms that the Peaky Blinders Movie will be Filmed this Year.

Finally, Steven Knight has said when the long-awaited Peaky Blinders movie will start filming. Thankfully, it’s soon. When Knight recently talked to Radio Times, he revealed that he is working hard on the project and is now working on “the final bits” of the script so that filming can start later this year.
“I’m just working on the final bits of it at the moment. I just sit down at the keyboard and start. It’s a bit like having a dream, for me. You sit there and all this stuff comes, and then you read it back and think, ‘That’s pretty good – but where did it come from?’ The plan is to start shooting that in the middle of next year.”
Now, Knight meant 2024 when he said “next year.” This means that Peaky Blinders fans will probably get to see the gang again in a few months.
The first season of Peaky Blinders came out in 2013. Cillian Murphy plays Tommy Shelby, the dangerous head of the Peaky Blinders, a crime gang based in Birmingham in 1919. Peaky Blinders was a TV show about crime, deception, violence, and political schemes. It ended last year with Tommy riding off, maybe to start a new life, while everyone thought he was dead.
Knight said in 2020 that the Peaky Blinders movie would take the place of a seventh season. The movie has been in the works for a while now. A lot of information about the movie is still being kept secret for now, but fans can’t wait to return to Knight’s world of crime, violence, and flat caps.
Knight has hinted that the movie will be big, saying that it will be like 007 himself.
Peaky Blinders is being used as the basis for at least two new shows, which Netflix recently announced. The movie is just one of many projects that are currently being worked on.
Anyway, the main Peaky Blinders show is over, but it sounds like there will be a lot more about the Shelby gang and the crime world they live in.
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